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24/08/2021 Indore is a city in west-central India. Itв??s known for the 7-story Rajwada Palace and the Lal Baag Palace, which date back to Indoreв??s 19th-century Holkar dynasty. The Holkar rulers are honored by a cluster of tombs and cenotaphs at Chhatri Baag. The night market Sarafa Bazar sells street food. East is the Indo-Gothic Gandhi Hall and clock tower. The Jain temple Kanch Mandir has a mirrored mosaic interior. : - Indore response

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02/03/2021 Jabalpur is a city in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. On a rocky hilltop on the western outskirts of the city is the Madan Mahal Fort, built in 1116. Farther west, the centuries-old Pisanhari Ki Madiya Jain temple offers views of the city. Another Jain temple, Hanumantal Bada Jain Mandir, sits on the shore of a lake in the north. The central Rani Durgavati Museum displays intricately carved sculptures. ost to pst.html - Jabalpur response
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